Traffic cone

Active Transport Project - Gladstone Road

Project Overview

Council has reviewed the crash history along Gladstone Road between Heatherton Road and Princes Highway in Dandenong.

There have been several crashes over the past five years which are related to the wide lane width along this section road. Line marking will be provided to reduce the lane width along this section of Gladstone Road to address this crash trend.

This option has been determined as the most appropriate solution to improve safety given the function of Gladstone Road within the road network. The lane width will be narrowed by line marking parking lanes and protected cycles lanes. This treatment will be consistent with the existing line marking along Gladstone Road north of Heatherton Road. Motorists may use the parking and cycling lanes to turn left and pass vehicles waiting to turn right, provided they give way to people riding in these lanes.

Some changes to parking will occur as a result.  


  • Concept plan
    Concept plan
  • Concept plan
    Concept plan
  • Concept plan
    Concept plan
  • Concept plan
    Concept plan

What parking changes will occur?

The following parking changes will be required on Gladstone Road to facilitate this treatment:

  • Removing parking on the east side between St Gerard’s Primary School and Gerard Street
  • Removing parking on the west side outside property #30 beside the shops

When will works occur?

Council will finalise the designs based on feedback from the community before undertaking the line marking.  We anticipate works occurring in May/June 2023.

Will the line marking be similar to the rest of Gladstone Road?

Yes.  The line marking further north on Gladstone Road has been very effective at reducing accidents, and we anticipate similar road safety benefits on this section of Gladstone Road.

Who can I contact to discuss this project further?

You can contact Councils Traffic Engineers directly at

Gladstone Road, Dandenong