Image of waste bins

Business Sustainability and Recycling

Dumped rubbish ruins our shopping areas and public spaces. It’s also illegal. We are asking all businesses, large and small to dispose of their rubbish responsibly. Businesses need to arrange a rubbish collection service through a private waste collection company. 

What is a waste management plan?

A waste management plan outlines how waste created by a business will be disposed of appropriately.

Businesses need to arrange a collection service through a private waste collection company.

Visit the Sustainability Victoria website for some great resources.

What bins do I need and how often should I have my waste collected?

The amount and type of waste produced by your business will determine the size and number of bins you need, and how often they should be collected.

Many businesses need their waste to be collected daily, especially if they generate food or other perishable waste that can attract vermin and produce odour. Private waste collection companies can provide you with a waste assessment to determine the bins and collection schedule to suit your business. 

Where do I store my waste bins?

Waste bins should remain on your property and only brought out for collection and are expected to be returned to your property immediately after collection. Bins should have a closed lid to ensure birds and wildlife can't access them. 

What about recycling?

Many items are recyclable but are not suitable to go into your recycling bin. Visit Planet Ark’s Business Recycling website to find collection and support services with over 6,000 recycling drop off locations for over 80 materials. You can also refer to the ASPIRE online marketplace to save on waste disposal costs.

Can I dispose of my waste in Council bins?

Putting business waste next to or in Council public litter bins is illegal and businesses can be fined over $6000.

How can I minimise my waste?

  • Choose products that are recyclable.
  • Ask suppliers to reduce packaging on products they supply.
  • Choose products that are made from recycled content, for example, office paper, furniture, toilet paper and carpet.
