Fenchurch artwork Light Vessels

Council Services

Greater Dandenong Council provides a range of services to improve the quality of life for all residents.

We are committed to ensuring that people have access to quality services that address the many needs of individuals and families of all ages.

The sections below show the full range of these services and provide more information about each service, how to access them and the departments and teams that deliver them to our community.


Find out about the City of Greater Dandenong's waste and recycling services, and education programs.
Discover the full range of things to see and do in the City of Greater Dandenong.
Our vision is for the City of Greater Dandenong to be one of the most sustainable cities in Australia by 2030.
Local laws are made and enforced by Council to ensure our City is a safe place to live, work and play.
Council provides a range of services for pet owners and upholds local regulations to protect your pet.
Learn more about Council's role in parking, permits, road management and transport options within the municipality. 
Find out how Council calculates your rates, how to pay and how to get help if you're experiencing financial hardship.
Get involved in our diverse community and learn how Council can support you.
Our Grants program provides financial assistance to the community for activities that will benefit Greater Dandenong.
Staying informed in an emergency.
Council offers an excellent range of low-cost, high-quality facilities for hire in and around Greater Dandenong.
Greater Dandenong provides access to quality services to support the needs of families and children.