wooden world map

Language Assistance and Translated Information

TIS (Translating and Interpreting Service)

Contact Council in your own language through the TIS (Translating and Interpreting Service). Call 13 14 50 and ask to be put through to 8571 1000.

Google Translate

This website is currently using Google Translate. Google Translate translates this website into a variety of languages. Simply go to the Google Translate button at the top right of the site (next to the Menu button) and select your translation language. 

Council does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of the translations on Google Translate. Google Translate is a third-party automated translator and may make mistakes or have inconsistencies.

Victorian interpreter card and interpreter symbol

The Victorian Interpreter Card and Interpreter Symbol are used to help residents with low English proficiency to access language services and help staff identify the need for language assistance and book interpreters.

When you see the interpreter symbol sign it means that language assistance is available. Show your interpreter card to customer service staff to request language assistance.

Download and print the Victorian Interpreter Card

Victorian Interpreter Symbol

