Street Scape

Draft Urban Forest Strategy and Greening Our Neighbourhoods Strategy Consultation

In the City of Greater Dandenong, we all have a role to play in preparing for climate change and greening our city.

Having lots of shade trees - also known as canopy cover - helps cool our neighbourhoods and makes our streets, parks and local areas more enjoyable places to be. 

The City of Greater Dandenong has a very low canopy cover, contributing to higher temperatures than other metropolitan areas. This puts our community at risk of negative impacts from extreme heat events and our changing climate. 

Council has set a target to increase tree canopy cover for the municipality. 

To support this, Council has developed the Urban Forest Strategy 2021-28 and the Greening Our Neighbourhoods Strategy 2021-28, both with a shared vision for 'A healthy, green and resilient urban forest that is well managed, protected and provides benefits to the community.' 

These strategies have been designed to be read in conjunction with one another and the existing Greening Our City - Urban Tree Strategy 

Council sought community feedback on the draft strategies from 1-26 February 2021.

The City of Greater Dandenong's urban forest includes all vegetation, big and small growing on public and private land. Vegetation, particularly canopy trees deliver immense economic, social and environmental benefits including shade, streetscape amenity, air pollution reduction, habitat for wildlife and help tackle Climate Change.

This consultation has now closed.

At its Ordinary meeting on Monday 27 September 2021, Council resolved to adopt the Urban Forest Strategy 2021-28 and the Greening Our Neighbourhoods Strategy 2021-28.

For more information, Council has prepared an overview of the Urban Forest Strategy.

Urban Forest Strategy 2021-28 Overview - 1.81MB