Barry J Powell Reserve Playground

Future of Barry J Powell Reserve Draft Master Plan Consultation

Council undertook extensive consultation with the community, stakeholders and sports clubs to inform the development of the draft Barry J Powell Reserve Master Plan.

The Barry J Powell Reserve Master Plan will enable the transformation of this district park as a community destination for active and passive recreational pursuits and community uses.

This will be achieved by:

  • supporting the continued important role of the Jan Wilson Community Centre
  • an upgrade to the sports pavilion building
  • new netball and multi-use court facilities
  • a larger district level playground
  • an enhanced northern nature play and active node
  • new path networks
  • planting trees to increase the urban forest canopy
  • other improved park infrastructure.

The master plan strengthens and reinforces Barry J Powell Reserve’s role as a district multi-purpose park that supports the growing sports clubs and meets the recreational and social needs of the diverse Noble Park North community. The master plan considered the long-term future of the reserve by ensuring that the sporting infrastructure caters for existing and future trends in sport and recreation.

The consultation is closed.

The Barry J Powell Reserve Master Plan was adopted by Council on 23 March 2020.

Visit Barry J Powell Reserve Master Plan for more information and to view the final master plan.

How will the master plan be funded?

The development of the reserve will be guided by the implementation strategy which identifies short, medium and long-term projects.

The funding to progress this project is subject to the support and funding of capital works bids as part of Council’s annual budget process.

Barry J Powell Reserve

55 Halton Rd, Noble Park North VIC 3174, Australia