What would you spend Council's budget on?
Greater Dandenong City Council is about to start the budget process for 2023-24. We want to hear more about your priorities and which services and facilities you would like us to support in 2023 and beyond.
Council's budget sets how we will spend the income raised from your rates. In 2022-23 Council will spend:
- $55.59 million on Capital works (including the Noble Park Redevelopment and Keysborough South Community Hub)
- $27.40 million on buildings, roads, traffic management and drainage maintenance
- $26.64 million on waste collection, street and public facilities cleaning
- $20.73 million on parks, community facilities, sport and recreation
- $19.77 million on planning, building and regulatory services
- $16.26 million on families, children and youth
- $16.25 million on libraries, arts, culture and community events
- $15.20 million on health, aged and community services
- $4.06 million on economic development and revitalising activity centres
We want to know your thoughts on whether Council's funding priorities are meeting the needs of our community now and into the future.
You can get involved in a number of ways:
- Try our online budgeting tool and choose which services you would fund
- Complete our online survey and highlight the areas most important to you
- Post your idea on our online ideas wall for other people to see
- Visit one of our Customer Service Centres and complete a hard copy survey or email budget@cgd.vic.gov.au for a copy.
To get involved, share your ideas and help prioritise future spending go to our consultation project page
This consultation is now closed. To read about the outcomes of this process please click on the below 'Budget 2023-24 Consultation Report' link.