
Proof is in the Pudding (Utilising the Business Grants)


We had a chat with some of the businesses that achieved success with the Buy Local Business Grants to see how they utilised the money.

Granny’s Food

Granny’s food made use of the Buy Local Business Grant to invest in business coaching, which has been most beneficial to their business. They reside in a small factory in Dandenong and manufacture pre-made healthy and authentic meals.  They use the best quality products and fresh ingredients to create their meals. 

The decision to invest in business coaching via another local business has provided them with valuable insights and expertise. The results of this service have saved them time and effort by providing guidance on various aspects of the business. This includes researching new equipment, understanding the best finance options for the purchases, and understanding how to use their equipment more efficiently.

Additionally, the coaching has also assisted with effective selling strategies, dealing with challenges of having a small factory and understanding effective ways to grow the business going forward into 2024.Granny’s Food have been very happy with the experience and results and see a great benefit out of receiving the Buy Local Business Grant.   

Keys Denture Clinic

Keys denture clinic has utilised the Buy Local Business grant for web design, which has proven to be an effective advertising tool, attracting more clients to their business.  

By making dentures onsite in their own laboratory by experienced dental prosthetists and a dental technician, they can offer a comprehensive range of denture services and same- day repairs.  

Having the ability to update photos regularly has enabled Keys Denture clinic to keep customers informed with the latest advancements and improvements the business has and they have noticed an increase of clients attending the business.  

Going into the future Keys Denture clinic aims to maintain high levels of patient satisfaction with excellent customer care, education patients on maintaining oral health and denture care.  Also ensuring that their services are easily accessible, affordable and constantly pursuing professional development to stay updated with the newest techniques in denture care.

First Ranking Real Estate 

First Ranking Real Estate opened their doors early this year in Dandenong, working with both residential and commercial properties. Their goal for the business is to develop strong relationships with their clients.  First Ranking have invested the Buy Local Business Grant towards social media marketing plan for the business.  

Although instant results may not be visible due to the 6-month campaign duration, this will allow them freedom of knowing that the consistent efforts in social media marketing will produce positive outcomes. Outsourcing the marketing efforts allows the team to concentrate on building relationships with potential clients, door knocking and getting on the phone to expand their business.  

Continuing to build the business, generate more leads, and increase property sales are the main objectives for First Ranking Real Estate's future growth.