8 Balmoral Avenue multi-deck car park has more than 500 parking bays and is a great place to park for traders and visitors in Springvale.
Parking at 8 Balmoral car park is ideally suited for people staying in Springvale for more than one hour. If you are working, shopping, having a meal or having a medical appointment; the multi-deck is centrally located and an ideal place to park.
The car park features:
- Casual and permit parking areas
- Wide parking bay section
- Disabled parking
- CCTV security surveillance
- Public toilets
- The Car Park can be accessed via Balmoral Avenue.
Apply for a new permit
General and reserved permits can be purchased for 3, 6 and 12 months periods.
Trader/Worker permits can only be purchased for 12 month period.
Submit to Council by:
- Mail - City of Greater Dandenong, PO Box 200, Dandenong 3175
- Email: council@cgd.vic.gov.au
- In-person to a Customer Service Center
Renewals and change of details
To renew your permits contact Council on 8571 1000
Change of details of car registration
We are no longer including car registrations on permits. It's a one-permit per car policy. You do not need to advise the Council if you drive a different car.
Just place the permit on the vehicle dashboard you use on the day.
Change of details for the permit holder
To update details for the permit holder, email the permit holders details and permit number to Council@cgd.vic.gov.au
Replacement for lost/missing/damaged permits
A fee is applicable for lost/missing permits
Fee is: $10
If a permit is damaged and can be returned to Council, it will be replaced for free.
'number 8' Balmoral Avenue multi-deck car park rates
'number 8' Balmoral Avenue multi-deck car park permit
Upgrades to carpark completed
A $1.2 million upgrade to 'Number 8' Balmoral Avenue multi-deck car park is underway.
Ramp upgrades
The works include changes to the ramps within the car park with additional entry and exit ramps to be installed on all levels to make it easier to drive around the car park. These will match the ramp upgrades completed on the lower floors of the car park.
Roller shutter
A new roller shutter has been installed on level 3 at ‘Number 8’ Balmoral Avenue multi-deck. Until Easter 2024, this door will remain open and will not impact car park users.
Other upgrades
Council officers will continue to improve other parts of the car park including the installation of additional lighting and improvements to the electronic signage board that highlights parking availability.
Council officers also regularly monitor traffic speeds and behaviour within the car park.