Council building

Final message from the Junior Mayor, Mya Durakovic (Council News article November 2022)

Mayor Cr Jim Memeti and Junior Mayor Mya Durakovic

Hi Everyone, it’s me, Mya Durakovic, your Junior Mayor for 2022.

This is my final article for the year. I have been part of so many fun events and had an absolute blast doing them.

At the start of the holidays, I attended my first Citizenship Ceremony which was amazing to be a part of, especially since this is something that my dad did at my age when he came to Australia. I found it emotional to know that all these people have been waiting for such a long time to become an Australian citizen, but I also felt so happy for them since now they are officially citizens of Australia.

I also attended the Little Day Out at Noble Park’s Ross Reserve. It was great to see so many children having fun with the different activities that were available. My sister and I went on the giant slide a few times, I even got stuck halfway down, it was very funny. I hope everyone who attended the Little Day Out had as much fun as I did!

My highlights from this year would be every single festival and local event that I attended because I loved seeing all the happy people enjoying themselves with their family and friends, just like me.

I have had an amazing year being the Junior Mayor and have met so many kind and wonderful people and I wanted to thank everyone who supported me in becoming the best Junior Mayor I could be. I am so glad that I can leave the role knowing I have made so many new friends.

Thank you for reading my articles this year and if you see me out and about come and say hi.

Mya Durakovic
Junior Mayor