Lonsdale Street

Revitalising Central Dandenong

Project Background

Dandenong is the heart of Melbourne’s growing south east corridor. The State Government’s $290 million Revitalising Central Dandenong (RCD) initiative is a vital project, rejuvenating the city centre and creating a fresh new future for central Dandenong.

It continues to enhance value creation and economic development outcomes with the intent to leverage close to $1.3 billion in private investment – of which $700 million has already been delivered on the ground. The Revitalising Central Dandenong initiative is being delivered by the Victorian Government, through Development Victoria, in partnership with the City of Greater Dandenong. 

Visit Development Victoria website

Capital Alliance 

In 2020 the Victorian Government announced Melbourne developer Capital Alliance will invest $600 million to develop the area by the Dandenong transport hub – creating more than 2600 jobs during construction and close to 5000 ongoing positions when the development is complete. 

Construction on the first stage of the development is expected to commence in 2024 – delivering a supermarket, food market hall and residential development alongside Little India. The Victorian Government is delivering the project through Development Victoria with support from Greater Dandenong Council.

Capital Alliance has prepared a master plan which was the subject of community engagement in March and October 2022. The master plan is a high-level strategic document that details the guiding principles and vision of Sites 11 to 15. It establishes a framework for how the precinct will grow and develop including direction on transport, connectivity and movement, urban design, architecture, sustainability objectives and land uses.

Council reviewed the draft Master Plan in 2022 and the following link provides a summary of key master plan issues included in our response to Capital Alliance. Please note that further detailed responses will be provided by Council during the next stages as planning and development proceeds.

Council Officer Comments on Draft Master Plan - 115KB

The Engagement Findings Reports for the April and November 2022 consultations prepared by Capire Consulting Group on behalf of Capital Alliance are available via the following links.

Engagement Report - Capire (April 2022) - 3MB

Engagement Report Addendum - Capire (November 2022) - 1MB

Capital Alliance submitted the master plan to the Department of Transport and Planning in January 2023. The next steps of the project will see Capital Alliance obtain a Development Plan Overlay (DPO) and subsequent Development Plan (DP), before seeking a permit for Stage 1 of the project.

An update on project timelines will be provided following planning approval.

Read article - "A game-changer for Central Dandenong"


  • Greater Dandenong Gallery of Art – underway and due for completion in 2024.
  • Children’s Court - underway and due for completion in 2023.
  • Salvation Army Community Hub - completed in 2022.
  • Announcement of $600 million investment by Capital Alliance, 2020.
  • Vanity Lane - due to commence in 2023.
  • Urban Multi-Sport free public park, 2019.
  • Quest Apartments featuring premium serviced apartments completed, 2016.
  • Australian Taxation Office opened, 2015.
  • Municipal Building Project and Harmony Square completed, 2014.
  • Government Services Office opened, 2011.
  • Lonsdale Street Boulevard redevelopment featuring 260 pin oaks and coloured lights, 2011.
  • Dandenong Market redevelopment, 2011.
  • Stockmans Bridge with 62 metre integrated artwork opened, 2010.
  • Drum Theatre redevelopment and restoration of the Town Hall, 2006.
Recognised as one of Melbourne’s most prominent cultural precincts, the Afghan Bazaar highlights the intense concentration of
Busk Stop is an exciting series of outdoor street performances held across key locations in central Dandenong.
Halpin Way and Settlers Square provide a link for pedestrians and cyclists moving between Dandenong train station and the city
The Little Indian Cultural Precinct is Melbourne's longest standing and most authentic cluster of Indian and subcontinental
Lonsdale Street is the gateway to central Dandenong, uniting the two halves of the city centre.
Dandenong Market inspires 280 Lonsdale Street Shop Facade Refresh.
The Pultney Street Triangle is an important public space that adjoins Dandenong’s high profile Lonsdale Street Boulevard a
Stockmans Bridge The $29.5 million bridge on George Street in Dandenong includes a two-way road, pedestrian and bicyc
The Vanity Lane project is a proposed new pedestrian priority lane in central Dandenong.
Whimsical wildflower meadows are a perfect example of how smaller initiatives can humanise cities and create unique, loved places.