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Property valuations

Why the Valuer General values your property each year

Victorian Law requires the Valuer General to value properties in the City of Greater Dandenong each year. Council uses these valuations to work out your rates.

Council uses the Capital Improved Value (CIV) to work out your rates. The CIV is the total market value of the land, plus buildings and other improvements.

The Valuer General assess the Capital Improved Value of each property as at 1 January every year. This is in line with:

  • The Valuation of Lands Act 1960; and
  • The Valuation Best Practice Specifications published by the Valuer General

Before 2019, properties were valued every two years. The Valuer General now values properties yearly and provides these updated valuations to Council for the levying of council rates.

Why the rates valuation process changed

To be clearer and more efficient, the Valuer-General Victoria is now responsible for valuations rather than local councils. All states and territories now have the same statutory valuation authority responsible for rating and taxation valuations.

Why valuations are now done yearly

Yearly valuations will help make the way Council distributes rates clearer and more accurate. The move to yearly valuations will reflect changes in valuations on your rates notice and land tax valuations.

Why your rates might increase

Your rates might increase for reasons such as:

  • your valuation might have changed, which can increase your Fire Service Levy
  • you might have changed your waste service
  • your pensioner discount eligibility might have changed.

If you have a question about your rates payments, contact Council on 8571 1000.

Supplementary valuations

If changes to a property happen that could alter its value, Council does a supplementary valuation during the year to update property records.

Property changes can include:

  • alterations
  • additions
  • demolitions
  • subdivisions
  • changes in the use of a property
  • zoning changes.

The supplementary valuation takes effect as soon as Council approves the valuation.

In some cases, supplementary valuations are backdated to fix errors. Council then adjusts the rates for the year based upon:

  • the amount still left to pay
  • the date Council approved the supplementary valuation.

Valuation Objections

If you disagree with the value of your property, you may object within two months of the date of issue of the rates notice.

Please note, your 2024-25 general rates are based on the value of your property as at 1 January 2024 as per the Valuation of Land Act 1960.

If you would like to lodge an Objections, visit the Victorian State Government’s Rating Valuation Objections Portal.

For any general valuation queries, please contact Council via email on or phone 8571 1000.

Land Information Certificates

Residents can get a Land Information Certificate from Council.

This certificate provides information about:

  • valuation
  • rates
  • charges
  • other monies owing
  • orders and notices made under the Local Government Act or the Local Law.

The certificate might also give details on the specified flood level, if there is any.

Land Information Certificates Fee

To get a Land Information Certificate please apply online via the My Greater Dandenong Portal.

Select the above link and go to the section 'Online' to get to the Portal.

Click on the following links to complete this application:

  1. Online Applications
  2. Submit an Application
  3. Land Information Certificate Section 229 LGA
Name Standard fee
Land Information Certificates $29.70