Council is actively involved in a range of initiatives aimed at preventing harm from alcohol and other drugs.
Preventing and reducing drug-related harm in Greater Dandenong
The City of Greater Dandenong recognises the importance of addressing issues relating to both legal and illicit drug use.
Harm reduction is the key principal underlying our work. Harm reduction strategies are evidence-based approaches and specifically focus on providing benefit to the individual and those around them as well as the broader community.
There are many government services and front-line agencies in Greater Dandenong that can support you with issues related to illicit drug use, including:
- emergency response to drug overdose, illegal activity or danger
- removal of syringes
- non-emergency support for drug affected people or public injecting
- confidential alcohol and drug information and advice
- reporting of non-emergency crime incidents
Supporting the Needle and Syringe Program
Needle and Syringe Program (NSP) provides a free and integrated service for people who inject drugs. Council support the NSP services given their positive impact on reducing the social impact on individuals, families and communities and reducing the impact on the public environment.
Contact the Needle and Syringe Program outreach team at Monash Health on 1800 642 287.
Non-emergency support for drug affected people or public injecting
If you are concerned about an adult using drugs, contact SECADA on 1800 142 536.
If your concern is about a young person (under 25 years), contact Youth Support and Advocacy Service on 9701 3488.
Contact the Needle and Syringe Program outreach team at Monash Health on 1800 642 287 for support for public injecting.
Confidential alcohol, drug information and advice
For information, counselling and referral for alcohol and drug issues (including syringe programs), call DirectLine on 1800 888 236 (available 24 hours).
Party Safe
Parties can be a great opportunity for people of all ages to socialise and make new friends. However, parties can sometimes lead to unwanted surprises such as gatecrashers, guests becoming drunk, violence and complaints from neighbours.
In Greater Dandenong, the PartySafe program can help hosts plan and enjoy safer parties that will be remembered for all the right reasons.
Registering your party with Victoria Police shows that you are making the effort to be responsible for what happens at your event. PartySafe provides you with useful hints and tips about security issues, alcohol use and young people and your legal responsibilities as the party host.
Register with PartySafe
To register visit the Victoria Police's Party Safe.
Download and fill out the form on the website and take to the police station closest to where your event will be held (Springvale or Dandenong Police Station) at least one week before the party.
By registering with PartySafe, you are providing police with the necessary information to help them respond should they be called to your party.
Liquor Licensing
Businesses wanting to sell alcohol need to lodge an application with the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation. Event organisers wishing to supply or allow alcohol should also contact Consumer Affairs Victoria.
Check with Council's Planning Department before lodging an application for a Liquor Licence. Depending on the type of licence proposed, a planning permit, or a letter advising a planning permit is not required, might be needed.
Find out more about Liquor Licensing and the Liquor Accord on the Trading in Greater Dandenong webpage.