man writing on chalk board leaving message on white ribbon day

How we can all help to prevent or address family violence

Family violence is a concern for the whole community, not just the police and courts. We can all help prevent violence against women and children.

Here are some suggestions about what we can all do to help prevent violence, support those who experience such abuse and promote equality between women and men, in our daily lives. 

Relationships within one's own family

  • Strive to change any abusive or controlling behavior of one's own. 
  • Set an example within our personal lives, showing respect, sharing domestic responsibilities with a partner, and behaving in a considerate way towards all people: women, men and children.
  • Teach children and young people about healthy relationships, and that violence is never acceptable. 

Responding to incidents of violence

  • Help anyone who is experiencing abuse, supporting the choices they make. 
  • If required, call police and serve as a witness.

Among friends and colleagues 

  • Encourage civil, considerate and kind behavior among our friends and acquaintances.
  • Speak out against attitudes which accept or excuse violence or which belittle women. 
  • Avoid jokes and negative names which belittle women.

In the wider community 

  • Set an example to others by the way we speak about, and treat, women.
  • Within community groups speak out against violence within relationships while supporting equal status, respect and opportunity for women and men, boys and girls. 
  • Participate in activities or events that encourage people to speak out against violence. 