educator walking through bush land

Learn about Nature

The City of Greater Dandenong runs school programs that teach kids about the environment and wildlife. These programs also inspire students to volunteer and get involved with their community.

During the program, students discover and explore the great outdoors. They'll learn to respect and enjoy bushland and biodiversity, something that will stay with them forever. 

Schools can get involved in:

Adopt a Park - 753KB

Dolphin Research Institute 'I Sea, I Care' Program

Council also offers waste and recycling incursions and programs: 

Waste Minimisation Schools Education Programs - 360KB

Contact Council on 8571 1000 for further information. 

School Conservation Activities

Alex Wilkie Nature Trail

Learn about the natural environment with a guided walk through the reserve by a qualified ranger. Topics discussed could include history of site and impact of man, management of the reserve, habitat.
Duration: 30 - 60 minutes
Year Levels: 1 - 8

Guided Tours of Reserves

Ranger guided tours of other reserves across the city, including Coomoora Woodland, Tirhatuan Reserve, Fotheringham Reserve; covering such topics as: impacts of man, history of reserves, plant uses, fauna, wetlands, habitat, management of reserves.
Duration: 30 - 60 minutes
Year Levels: 1 - 8

Indigenous Tree Planting

Plant some locally indigenous plants (provided by Council) at a local park or reserve.
Learn about why indigenous plants are important to our city, and how to look after them. Planting occurs from June - September. Book early to avoid disappointment. 
Duration: 30 - 120 minutes
Year Levels: 1 - 10

Tuesday 30 July, 10:00am
Tuesday 13 August, 10:00am
Thursday 22 August, 4:00pm
Tuesday 27 August, 10:00am
Sunday 1 September, 11:00am